Moonfruit Invites Series

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Moonfruit Invites Series

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Monday, December 14 2009

Adding social media to the mix. Should you? Could you? Would you?

By Wendy on Monday, December 14 2009, 15:45

We’ve met so many interesting people during the Moonfruit journey we thought why not get them to share their experiences and expertise with the wider Moonfruit community! So we’ve started a new blog series, ‘Moonfruit Invites’. If you’d like to write a guest post which you think would interest the Moonfruit community do get in touch!

This guest post has been written by Business Link Entrepreneur of the Year and marketing expert Gemma Went who also has a Moonfruit website!

It’s been hard to avoid the subject of social media recently. The business, marketing and mainstream press has been full of both positive and negative opinion. It’s even graced the pages of Heat thanks to celebrity Tweeters. But is social media a viable option for business? In my humble opinion, yes. Definitely.

Before I go into the whys and wherefores of that statement, I should introduce myself. I’ve been a marketing and pr professional for the last 10 years, earning my stripes primarily within the creative industry. I set up Red Cube Marketing this time last year to offer marketing and pr consultancy to businesses and soon added social media to that offering after immersing myself in it and becoming 100% hooked on its power soon after. I am also a Moonfruit user, yes the Red Cube site was done in my favourite sitemaker system (and no they’re not paying me to say that!).

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